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Introducing Presentation Basics: Our hot new on-demand course

Presenting well is hard. Most people find it uncomfortable. And when they do, they can feel like they’re fighting for attention - or that their message isn’t completely getting through. That’s where Presentation Basics, our new on-demand self-paced course, can help.
Presenting is woven into the fabric of most jobs, workplaces, and cultures. Improving your communication skills helps you away from work too. It’s a worthy investment. We’ve Berghs, we’ve noticed that even the best ideas can die if they’re presented poorly. And that’s a real shame.
That’s why we’ve developed Presentation Basics, designed to help you plan, develop, and present in a way that suits your audience, your message, and your personality. We believe everyone is capable of delivering a presentation that captures the audience’s attention.
“Death by PowerPoint is something we can all relate to. We’ve all sat through a painful presentation that feels like you’re walking through a presenter’s unorganised mind. They suck the joy out of almost any subject. It’s crazy to think of how overlooked the audience is in most presentations. Most presenters don’t take the time to empathise with an audience who feels besieged. The world needs some help! So we collaborated with Malcolm to bring this course to life,” says Adam Horne, producer and co-creator of Presentation Basics.
“The reason I’m so passionate about this course is because having excellent presentation skills isn’t optional anymore. It’s an absolutely critical skill for success in modern professional life. Being able to communicate ideas in a clear and compelling way is what enables people to advance their careers now. It’s not what you know that matters, it’s what you can communicate that you know that makes the difference!,” says Malcolm Larri, presenter and fellow course co-creator.
You can start today and learn Presentation Basics through video classes and interesting tasks, all at your own pace. So you can power through it in a week (if you take a Netflix-binge) or make it fit around your other commitments.
Everything we do at Berghs takes an action-based approach to learning. We really encourage people to take an upcoming presentation and to use that opportunity to develop and apply your new approaches and skills. So no matter what you need to present - from the upcoming quarterly budget or a technical or strategic pitch - this is the course for you. All you need is a computer, some writing and presentation software (totally your choice), an internet connection and the desire to level up your presentation skills.
We developed Presentation Basics because all kinds of people asked for it. Young and old people, people inside and outside of the communication industries. People who are frustrated with having ideas and content that they felt could be presented better. And Youtube felt full of contradictory information that added to the confusion.
Learn more about Presentation Basics >
Presentation Basics is the first on-demand skills course in English from Berghs. It comes after launching three Software Basics courses last year - just in time for many to turn into their corona-project.
So if you’re thinking about a career change, preparing to study at Berghs or beyond, or just curious about these tools, our Software Basics courses are your first step.
Get creative this summer with software basics
Design Basics course covers the core functionalities of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. As you develop your skills and confidence, you’ll also gain better insight into their respective strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics. You’ll establish good workflow habits by knowing when to start designing in the most appropriate design app.
Learn more about Design Basics >
Video Basics course covers the core functionalities of Premiere Pro and After Effects. After learning the basics of film and camera settings, you’ll dig right into the software and build both technical skills and confidence, step by step. You’ll develop good workflow habits and the strengths and weaknesses of Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Learn more about Video Basics >
UI/UX Basics course explores Adobe XD and Figma as you design your first digital interactive project. Build technical skills quickly to turn your ideas into prototypes. You’ll develop good workflow habits by choosing the right tool for the job. Figma offers more options, while XD has the advantage of being part of the Adobe suite.
Learn more about UI/UX Basics >
So what are you waiting for? Put your summer to good use. And we promise that developing your presentation skills or creative expression will be more interesting than that trashy novel you borrowed from your cousin...