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From London studio job to Stockholm studies

Luke “Skywalker” left a paid creative studio job in the Big Smoke for a few months of studying communication in the Swedish capital. Read on to learn how he got his infamous name and what impelled him to leave his life in London for Stockholm.

Written by David Lindh
March 22, 2019

Where were you born and bred?

I was born in South London, joining two older brothers and parents who work in television and life coaching. I had the joy of being named by my older brother who decided on: Luke Oscar Skywalker Keeling. It made it to my passport.

Before Berghs, where and what had you studied?

I studied English Literature at the University of Manchester for three years, and a few different internships landed me a job as a Junior Creative at the Sunshine Agency.

When and how did you first hear about Berghs?

I wanted to find the most interesting place to learn more about creativity. Berghs kept popping up – Nils Leonard (a top Creative Director from London) said Berghs’ students "scared the f**k" out of him.” That their ideas were stronger and different – they could create websites and 3D models. That stayed with me. So I decided to leave my job, flat, and friends and come to Stockholm.

Luke’s first time in Stockholm was when he arrived to study at Berghs.

Why did you choose the Berghs Advanced program?

I thought Berghs was doing something different. I wanted to be able to use ton of tools to be creative, taking the most complicated problems to their simplest solutions. So all the different modules from Ideas & Concepts to prototyping and UX design seemed really interesting. This morning, for example, we ran a Google design sprint. Yesterday I presented my poster campaign for Hubba Bubba.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned so far on the program?

It’s hard to say one thing. Swedish creativity in general is really cool – it’s collaborative, understanding, and everyone’s an equal. All this makes Sweden have a new feel for people. It’s like empathy on speed.

You left a paid job to study on the Berghs Advanced program. Why?

I loved my last agency. I was learning loads! But I had a real urge to do something different, to learn cool stuff in a new place. Berghs ticked every box.

What is the main difference between communication in England and Sweden?

Nothing can beat British humor. Undersold, usually, so I will stop there. Swedish design and super brands like Ikea and Spotify stand for what they’re all about. Empathy, collaboration, and trust. Understanding culture so their creativity strikes all the right chords at all the right times. Everyone trusts a Swede.

How’s your Swedish?

I can order a beer, but I’ve forgotten how to say two, so I can’t even order a round now. Luckily everyone speaks English. Having English as a global communication language is ideal, but it may make us lazy and not learn new languages. As a writer it is an enormous help, as intonation and timing comes more naturally.

What practical skills are you hoping to obtain from Berghs Advanced?

Most of all: ideas. New ways of thinking. Websites, designing, pitching, prototyping.