
Study by the Beach: From Berghs Bachelor to Perth and Beyond

After meeting during their Berghs Bachelor semester in Stockholm, friends Benjamin and Danny made the journey to Berghs’ partner school Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. We interviewed our friends in the Land Down Under to hear more about life by the beach, studying Marketing, Advertising & PR, and their thoughts about the future.

Written by Max Maccarone
March 23, 2022

Hi Benjamin and Danny, tell us a bit about yourselves!
Hi, our names are Benjamin & Danny from Stockholm. Our paths crossed while at Berghs and we became good friends, currently sharing a flat in Perth. Both of us are highly outgoing individuals with a background in sales and who share a love for creating music. In a creative environment with plenty of things to do, we thrive!

Why did you choose the Berghs Bachelor program?
Our dream is to pursue a career in communication on an international level. From the moment we heard about the Berghs Bachelor's program, it was obvious what we wanted and needed to do. Starting out at a top communication school in Europe, then moving abroad and developing global connections and understanding international markets.

What drew you to ECU, and what programs are you studying?
In choosing ECU we were attracted to the large number of possibilities we have here to design our own degree, adding courses from the more strategic communication aspect such as creative strategy or social media marketing. But also be able to implement courses within design. We both chose to study the Bachelor of Marketing, Advertising, and PR, and are thrilled about it.

What is life like in Australia? Was it what you were expecting?
We were expecting sharks, snakes and spiders the truth is we haven’t seen any of them. No, but honestly life here is great, the sun is shining, the people are friendly and overall Perth is a great city to live in. Our number one favorite thing about Perth would be the choice you have to make between 20 different beaches (it’s hard). Compared to our expectations, Australia is so much better.

What were the best moments of your semester at Berghs?
This might sound a bit sad, but our last week at Berghs. It was then we realized how good the friendships we had developed with students and teachers were. Nailing that last pitch and understanding how much you’ve learned and developed as an individual during the semester. Our time at Berghs is something we’ll always be thankful for.

What would you tell someone thinking about studying abroad?
Go for it, just do it and don't hesitate, it'll be the best decision you've ever made. We know it sounds frightening to move to the other side of the Earth (trust us, it was). But, it was the best thing we could have possibly done. We are living our lives to the fullest and have no regrets. Creating an international network will benefit you in both your professional and personal life and is something you will be thankful for.

What were your first impressions of ECU?
Since we missed our Introduction Week, we felt like we were thrust into the action immediately, but the teachers from day one were extremely eager to help us with everything from A-Z, how to submit assignments, connecting us to other students, and much more. There is a lot of openness and friendliness among the students here and they really want to learn more about you.

Where do you see yourself in five years?
Continual learning and being creative with our work are two things that are essential for us to do, this is an absolute must. Having said that, there are two options that currently speak more to us.
Option one: Working with an international agency within the creative and digital areas. What's our location? Unknown.
Option two: To establish our own creative digital agency and select the clients we'd like to work with. What's our location? Unknown.

We both are super excited for the future and curious where we will end up in five years, is it working for an international agency or having our own? Based in Australia, Asia, or America? After Berghs Bachelor, the possibilities are endless.