What is it like to Study in Sweden? Perspectives from Berghs' International Students

Berghs School of Communication welcomes dozens of international students every year who are drawn to Sweden's reputation for creativity, design, and inclusivity. While Berghs makes everything to spur talents from all over the world, we decided to ask the students about what inspired them outside the school and what turned out to be a real cultural shock for them during their stay in Stockholm.
Madalena, Portugal
Q: What do you like about Sweden that you won’t find in your country?
A: Equality. A lot of people misunderstand the concept of being a feminist in a traditional values country, and women are perceived to be capable of managing both professional/ personal/home life. At the same time, men are not expected to be in charge of routine household tasks and sharing duties within the family. Unlike here [in Sweden], where both parties are expected to work together and support each other in everything they do.
Q: What will you miss in Sweden?
A: Definitely Kanelbulle! These buns are so tasty.
Q: What will you not miss?
A: Weather. You can go out in the sun and the next minute it may start raining out of the blue. Also, the winter here is pretty harsh:(
Q: What was the one thing that you first tried here?
A: A traditional Swedish fika.
Camille, France
Q: What do you like about Sweden that you won’t find in your country?
A: The amount of green space all over the city. There’re so many forest areas that you really appreciate being around because we don’t have that many in Paris.
Q: What will you miss in Sweden?
A: The calmness of the city. Swedes are very chill and you won’t find a lot of crazy stuff happening here.
Q: What will you not miss?
A: Must say the weather. Closer to spring I can finally see the sunny days, but the winter here is really long and gray.
Q: What was the one thing that you first tried here?
A: Semla bun, snus, and sauna! And I enjoyed the sauna a lot.
Alex, Great Britain
Q: What do you like about Sweden that you won’t find in your country?
A: Compared to London it’s much cleaner and much less chaotic.
Q: What will you miss in Sweden?
A: The slower pace of life, the thrift stores, being surrounded by water. We had a bunch of super fun and cozy picnics in Swedish nature, it was fantastic.
Q: What will you not miss?
A: Having to use google translate everywhere I go 😅
Q: What was the one thing that you first tried here?
A: Cold swimming at Hellasgården!
Giulia, Italy
Q: What do you like about Sweden that you won’t find in your country?
A: I am sorry to say this but… the food. I am from Italy, so I guess that’s normal. I miss pizza every day. But it is also true that you can find some good pizzerias in Stockholm!
Q: What will you miss in Sweden?
A: Above all, the friends I have made here. I have met so many different people here at Berghs. I will miss seeing them almost every day and working together in small groups.
Q: What will you not miss?
A: I am glad I arrived when the winter was almost over…Three months of snow were a little bit hard to take. It is beautiful at the beginning, but you get bored after a while.
Q: What was the one thing that you first tried here?
A: Trying a Kanelbulle was a great way to start my Swedish experience!
*Written by Advanced Student Valeriia Hrinchenko
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