The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival.


Koncept som skapar engagemang för de som vågar vara annorlunda.

Matsmart såg ett problem med avsaknad av engagemang från kunderna. De återkommer sällan för fler köp trots att de i regel är nöjda med sin köpupplevelse.

Matsmart vill skapa engagemang genom ett medlemsprogram, där vi tar fram ett övergripande koncept, i hopp om att detta skapar värde för konsumenten och viljan att komma tillbaka för fler köp. Konceptet visas upp genom relevanta uttag i form av förmåner, deals och medlemsnivåer.

Matsmart är annorlunda - utbudet är föränderligt och din varukorg ser olika ut varje gång du handlar. Då krävs det också att man vågar tänka annorlunda, både som konsument när man handlar och som plattform när man bygger ett lojalitetsprogram. 

Matsmarts Heroes Club gör detta. Konceptet ”Dare to be Different” är precis vad ett engagemangsprogram för en butik som är i ständig förändring behöver vara. Det utmanar kunden att testa på nya produkter och klättra i medlemsnivå, samtidigt som det utmanar Matsmart själva att våga tänka annorlunda i hur själva engagemanget skapas. Med en annorlunda tonalitet, annorlunda deals och olika medlemsnivåer vill vi göra Matsmart mer relevanta för de befintliga medlemmarna.

Kundklubben vi skapat är döpt till Heroes Club, då Matsmarts kunder är riktiga hjältar. Det kommer alltid vara bättre att handla mat som annars skulle bli svinn än att gå till din vanliga mataffär. Därför har även de olika medlemsnivåerna hjälte-tema och svarar upp mot olika drivkrafter vi identifierat hos målgruppen.

Med hjälp av ett engagemangsprogram för Matsmarts befintliga medlemmar som bygger på befintliga drivkrafter, research kring beteenden och förväntningar på ett medlemsskap samt Matsmarts unika kombination av lågt pris och att vara ett klimatsmart val har vi tagit fram ett koncept för hur man kan engagera sina medlemmar. Med hjälp av personifiering, förmåner och tydligare relevans kommer Heroes Club hjälpa Matsmart nå ökad köpfrekvens.

Osnel Alvarez Daza,
Lisa Broman,
Sadia Hassan,
Felix Holmgren Albinsson,
Erica Hungler,
Rebecca Lindbergh,
Therése Skalman,
Johanna Åhling