The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival. The world is moving on. It’s time to leave our domestic spaces and into new spaces for a new world. We need future spaces where communication helps us live better lives. Future spaces that support communities and their ideas. Future spaces that bring us together in the real world and virtual worlds. Future spaces that let us celebrate the great work our students have done. Welcome to the Berghs Future Spaces Festival.

Stockholms Stadsmission

En plats på jorden för stockholmare som lever i utsatthet.

Det uppdrag vi fick av Stockholms Stadsmission gick ut på att effektivt kommunicera till olika finansiärer varför de skall hjälpa till att finansiera det nya initiativet Stockholms Stadsmission Mötesplats Mariatorgets löpande verksamhet.

I vår research fann vi att finansiärerna helst ville donera till ändamål som främjar personer som lever i utsatthet och ensamhet. För att därmed effektivt dra in finansiering, valde vi att ha ett tydligt fokus på att donationerna skulle gynna dessa människor.

De flesta välgörenhetsinitiativ främjar människors basbehov som säkerhet, mat i magen och tak över huvudet, men Mötesplats Mariatorget är ett unikt men alltjämt oerhört viktigt komplement till detta. Här läggs mer fokus på andra behov som människor har, t.ex. gemenskap och självförverkligande, som i högre utsträckning förbises i olika välgörenhetsinitiativ.

Eftersom vi slogs av insikten att de som lever i utsatthet — den grupp som kommer dra mest nytta av Mötesplats Mariatorget — ofta inte har ett tryggt ställe på jorden att kalla sitt, landade vi i konceptet En plats på jorden.

I kampanjen En plats på jorden uppmärksammas stockholmare som lever i utsatthet. Deras platser på jorden placeras ut på kartan, tillsammans med deras livsberättelser. Det handlar om situationer som hemlöshet, missbruk, mobbning, att vara papperslös eller ensam pensionär.

Genom användandet av känsloväckande storytelling, porträtt samt Google Maps, blir det tydligt att Stockholms Stadsmission Mötesplats Mariatorget blir en “plats på jorden” för de människor som lever i utsatthet. Här finner de gemenskap och är alltid välkomna. Dit kan de gå för att bara vara en stund eller delta i aktiviteter. Det blir också tydligt för finansiärerna vad Mötesplats Mariatorget fyller för funktion.

Vi använde oss av både analoga och digitala uttag, som t.ex. posters, digital annonsering och ett pressmeddelande.

Jonatan Ahlin,
Lovisa Jönsson,
Kalle Lundin,
Anna Shchegoleva,
August Sidusgård,
Saga von Pfaler,
Amanda Åkesson