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Sarah Lee: Berghs is one of the best choices I made in my life

After graduating from a French-Canadian art focused high school, Sarah Lee took a year off school, went rock climbing and traveling the world, met a Swede and ended up at Berghs School of Communication, Interactive Communication program, in the fall of 2011. Today she's only days from graduating. These are her highlight moments at Berghs.
Hi Sarah Lee Letourneau, how are you today?
Hi! Im great! I have been really busy lately with many projects coming to an end. My group and I did our final presentation for Universal Music (our client for the Exam project) last Monday. I am now working on fixing the last details on the case movie while editing my portfolio.
You are one of Berghs international students, can you tell us a little bit about how you ended up in Stockholm, at Berghs?
Before Berghs, I took a year off school, rock climbing and traveling the world when I met a Swedish gentleman in Asia that I decided to follow. We rock climbed a bit around Europe and then I decided it was time for me to go back to school. I looked up schools in Sweden and found out about Interactive Communication and Berghs. I applied for different programs here in Sweden and also back in Canada.
What was the reason that you chose to apply the Interactive Communication program at Berghs?
To be honest, I applied to the Interactive Communication program because I didn’t know much about it, it’s a quite new discipline, and it tickled my curiosity. I researched more about it on the Berghs website, then I really felt it was for me.
I chose Berghs over the other programs I applied for because of the innovative way of teaching. I think it was one of the best choices I made in my life. I believe that the Berghs method is the way undergraduate studies should be like. After my Internship at Ogilvy London, I realised that Berghs had given me great tools to work “in the real world” and this was only within few months!
You did your internship at the Ogilvy London office? Tell us about that experience!
Yes, it was a great experience! I went there with Hedda Helgesen, Sofia Hultman, Ingrid Bellman and John E Njoki from my class. We got an internship through Saher Sidom who works at Ogilvy London as a Digital Planner, he was one of our teachers during the fall. It was lots of fun working there. We got to work together with their team on different briefs they had. It was only 2 weeks but looking back on the experience I acquired there, it feels like much more! And during our time at Ogilvy they actually won 2 pitches that we helped with!
You have been selected to participate in Berghs summer program in San Francisco, congratulations! What are your expectations?
I have never been to San Francisco before. I feel really lucky that Berghs is pushing their students to the next level. I am really excited about this new adventure! And whatever comes out of it, it will most likely be an exceptional experience.
What happens after San Francisco for Sarah Lee?
I am currently discussing an Internship opportunity with R/GA in their Singapore office, meanwhile I am open for propositions!
If you were to tell a becoming student at the Interactive Communication program at Berghs what to expect of the following year, what would you say?
Be prepared to drink a lot of beer! But seriously, be prepared to be challenged and to leave your comfort zone. To work long nights while having fun, meet inspiring people and inspire others. Studying Interactive Communication opens you up to new perspectives. And it is the best environment to be or become strategically creative or creatively strategic. And if I could give one piece of advice; take out as much as you can from it! And have fun.