
AI for Marketing Professionals

  • The power of generative AI
  • Advanced prompting techniques
  • Build your custom GPT model

This course guides marketing professionals to harness the power of generative AI, using LMMs like OpenAI’s models and image generation models such as Midjourney. You'll learn to craft compelling content and analysis through advanced prompting techniques and custom GPT model development, blending foundational knowledge with immediate application.

35 000 SEK (inkl. moms)
28 000 SEK (exkl. moms)
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Torsdag 22 augusti
Torsdag 19 september
Torsdag 5 december
10 timmar
10 hours per week

The course starts on Thursday, September 19th at 18:00 CET via Zoom. Subsequent lectures will take place weekly on Thursdays at 18:00 CET via Zoom.

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*Din ansökan blir bindande först när du blivit erbjuden en plats och sedan har tackat ja.

This online course is conducted over 8 weeks. Participants should plan for a weekly workload of about 8-10 hours. The course structure includes weekly evening classes, discussions, practical project work, feedback, and readings. The course is designed to be manageable alongside a full-time job, offering flexibility and convenience for marketing professionals.




Week 1: Introduction to Generative AI & Course Overview

This week provides a comprehensive introduction to Generative AI, outlining its potential and impact. Discover the basics of Generative AI and its fundamentals. Meet your peers and familiarize yourself with the course plan, including assignments and expectations.

Week 2: Exploring Tools and Models in Generative AI for Marketing

Dive into the world of AI tools and models. Focus on different AI models, their architecture, strengths, and limitations. Get hands-on experience with various tools and learn to choose the appropriate model for specific tasks.

Week 3: Mastering the Art of Prompting

Learn the critical skill of crafting effective AI prompts. Understand how input prompts influence AI output, covering best practices, common pitfalls, and techniques for refining prompts.

Week 4: Image and Video Generation for Brand Building and Content Creation

Explore how AI-driven image and video generation can enhance creativity and revolutionize brand building and content creation. Create visually engaging content and learn how to leverage AI for creative expression.

Week 5: Customizing AI Models for Specific Tasks

Learn how to customize AI models for specific tasks. This week we will focus on writing extensive prompts for specific needs and explore different types of datasets.  

Week 6: Advanced Prompting Techniques

Delve into complex and nuanced prompting techniques. Learn to control various AI parameters and settings for tailored, sophisticated outputs, enhancing the depth and precision of your AI interactions.

Week 7: Strategies, Testing, and Analysis in Generative AI

This week covers creating effective strategies, conducting robust testing, and analyzing outcomes to measure effectiveness, identify improvements, and iterate on solutions.

Week 8: Capstone Project and Course Conclusion

Conclude with a capstone project that incorporates all the skills and knowledge acquired. This final week includes project presentations, feedback sessions, and reflections on your journey in the world of Generative AI.

Who is this course for

This course is for anyone who works in marketing communications - in a strategic or operative role -  and wants to step up their game with generative AI. We require a minimum of 3 years of work experience in marketing-related jobs, an active ChatGPT Plus account and/or a Midjourney account, and a good level of English to prompt well. You might have taken a short AI course before, perhaps you know the basics, and you want to dig much deeper. After taking this course, you will be able to use generative AI efficiently for your daily marketing and communication tasks with a refined level of output.


To attend the course you need an active ChatGPT Plus account which includes ChatGPT4 and DALL-E. There is a waiting list for it at the moment, please apply for your account as soon as possible to increase your chances to have full access to the tools before the course starts. You also need a Midjourney account. If you do not want to open one, you can do some of the visual work with DALL-E. The total cost of these accounts is around 30 USD/month and it is not included in the course fee.


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You’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

How to enrol

By clicking on “REGISTER” on this page, you take your first step towards enrolling in the course. There are no financial obligations at this stage. After you register, we will send you a survey where you can tell us more about your experience and expectations and provide work samples. If your profile is a good match with the course, you will be offered to enroll and you will be asked to provide your invoice details.


Karin Hamberg Stén

AI Consultant and Prompt Specialist with a long background in media and communications.

Karin leder även kursen AI-prompting för alla.

Ansökan och antagningskrav

Vad kostar kursen?

Studieavgift inkl. moms
35 000 kronor

Studieavgift exkl. moms
28 000 kronor

Lokal momssats kan gälla, läs mer här. Valutaberäknaren ger bara en uppskattning. Slutgiltigt pris kan skilja.

Att läsa en distanskurs på Berghs

  • Det är ej lärarledda lektioner varje vecka (vissa undantag finns). Kursuppgifterna publiceras i lärplattformen Canvas och du bestämmer själv när du löser uppgifterna enligt schemalagd inlämning. Vanligtvis en uppgift per vecka.
  • De föreläsningar och möten som sker live spelas in och går att ta del av i efterhand.
  • Du får personlig feedback på varje uppgift och har kontakt med lärare och kursdeltagare via Canvas.
  • Vi arbetar med öppen feedback samt peer-to-peer feedback (gemensamt lärande mellan deltagare).
  • Genomsnittlig studietid för distanskurser är 10 timmar/vecka.
  • Du kan genomföra kursen även om du får förhinder att delta vid kursstart eller avslut då de *filmas, läggs i lärplattformen Canvas och finns tillgängliga under terminen.
    *Obs! Gäller inte våra 15-veckors kurser samt ARU, de startar och slutar på plats på Berghs.

Frågor om kursen?

Kontakta oss om du har några frågor!

International Coordinator

Contact us with your questions!