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From ice hockey to ad agencies in sunny Australia

After one semester at Berghs, Bachelor student Christopher Lövgren flew to Perth, Australia, to continue his education. The weather, the creativity and the opportunity to always do better made him want to try the communication industry “down under”.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Age, earlier studies, background?
– I am 27 years old and come from a small town called Motala. I am engaged to Katarina, who is here with me, working as an auditor at a big company. I have been involved in sports my entire life and especially ice hockey. I studied to become an accountant at the age of 25 but I realised that it wasn't my thing. Before that I worked as an ice hockey coach, coaching HV71:s Under20 team to the gold medal in the Swedish Championships.
What made you decide to apply to Berghs Bachelor in the first place?
– I wanted something progressive and I felt that working as an accountant wouldn't be as much fun as I thought. I also felt that I was ready for an adventure, so I applied to the Berghs Bachelor program and got in and it has been the best decision of my life.

Why did you want to go to Australia?
– Because I want to be a strategist, Perth was the best choice for me since they offer the best education for that specific role. And the weather is amazing, of course.
For how long are you staying?
– I am staying here for another 1.5 years, making it 2.5 years in total here in Australia. We are a great group here in Perth, hanging out all the time and helping each other.
Where do you study?
– I am studying at a university called ECU, Edith Cowan University. It is a great university, especially for us who are studying advertising. I am doing a double major in marketing and advertising.
Can you describe the main differences between Berghs and your Australian school?
– ECU is a university, meaning that it’s going to be more theoretical in the beginning. Berghs is more learn-by-doing and ECU also offers that, but after the first semester. We have more practical assignments now, which is really fun.
Can you share a specific moment within your time at Berghs Bachelor that made you reach a big realisation/insight?
– When we worked with Red Bull as a client at Berghs, that’s when I realised that this is what I really want to do. This business is so much fun since you have to be creative and have to be open minded to new ideas all the time. You can never be perfect since there is also something to learn or develop for the better.
What do you want to do after your studies?
– Working at an ad agency seems like a lot of fun and I think that you have a good chance to gain a lot of experience that way. After that, I don't know. I don't want to plan too much ahead, it is more fun to see where life takes you. I do want to work in Toronto at some point for a big ad agency.
Do you know anything about the communications industry in Australia, and if so: which are the main differences compared to Sweden?
– The market here in Perth is not the biggest compared to Sweden. There is a possibility to get internships if you are lucky, but Sydney and Melbourne have more to offer when it comes to jobs afterwards. At the moment, my friend and I have spoken to a medium-sized ad agency about an internship, so there are some opportunities.
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