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Meet some of our students

Berghs Online Certificate offers you the best of Berghs’ action-based learning, packed into in a new and flexible format. The program is entirely online and entirely in English, with international teachers coming straight from the industry.
Lydia Kellam - Berghs Strategic Certificate
Lydia heard about Berghs School of Communication through friends who works in the media industry. She looked for a program where she could study strategic communication and advanced her knowledge within the field. She found this online program and it fitted very well so she could work at the same time and also deepened her knowledge in the communication world.
Chris Lawrence - Strategic certificate
Chris heard about Berghs from Swedish friends back in New York city, they'd heard that he was moving and had a few ideas of staying. Three different people said the same thing, "you have to go to Berghs, it's the cream of the crop". He did some research and found the Strategic Communication program in English, which was perfect for him.
About the program
Berghs Certificate offers you the best of Berghs’ action-based learning, packed into in a new and flexible format. The program is entirely online and entirely in English, with international teachers coming straight from the industry. Berghs Certificate is designed for young communication professionals and it consists of two semesters of highly collaborative part-time studies in communication (about 15 hours/week), with either a Creative or a Strategic focus. You can study from anywhere in the world and combine this program with a full time job.
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