Design Basics
Learn Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign with your very first design project. Get to know Adobe’s industry-standard software and see how to use it to express your ideas. Through video tutorials and practical assignments, you learn the software at your own pace. This on-demand course is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of graphic design, and is a good first step on the path to any design studies.
- Software
- 3
- Creative Project
- 1
- Assignments
- 4
- Video Classes
- 10
Course Content
The course covers the core functionalities of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. As you develop your skills and confidence, you’ll also gain better insight into their respective strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics.
You’ll develop better workflow habits by choosing the right tool for the job and discover how the different applications can work together harmoniously. The course challenges you with a series of video tutorials and practical exercises as you create your first own design project. You will not receive feedback on your work but you will get plenty of guidance to improve on your own.
This self-paced course builds your skills in:
- Illustrator
- Photoshop
- InDesign
After the course, you have a basic knowledge that allows you to practice further on your own. Or you can push yourself and apply to other design courses at Berghs at a higher level, where basic software skills are a prerequisite. View your course progression options below.

- Basics of Vector Graphics for Illustrator
- Introduction to the Software
- Working with documents, artboards, and workspaces
- Tech specs (color space, resolution, file formats)
- Saving, undoing, history, versioning
- Drawing and selection tools
- Working with color, fills and strokes
- Aligning and organizing
- Working with layers
- Construction tools (pathfinder, compound, and clipping paths)
- Transparency
- Working with typography
- How to import and export
- Introduction to Photoshop
- Technical basics (color space, resolution, file formats)
- Working with confidence (saving, undoing, history, versioning)
- Editing images
- Working with layers
- Drawing and painting tools
- Typography in Photoshop
- How to import and export
- Introduction to InDesign
- Working with documents for digital and print.
- Setting up workspaces for your project
- Tech specs for print and digital (color specs, resolution, file formats)
- Working with confidence (saving, undoing, history, versioning)
- Working with pages and master pages
- Typography tools and styles
- Importing and using existing artwork
- Working with frames, paths, and drawing
- Working with grids
- How to import and export
This self-paced online course is perfect for people who are brand new to the world of design. Anyone whose ideas and ambitions are bigger than their current software skills. It can work as a foundation or as a first step for those who wish to take design courses at Berghs at a higher level. This course brings your skills up to a level where you can get the ideas that you have in your head, or in your sketchbook, onto the screen. Please note that this course offers a foundation and is by no means exhaustive, mastering these programs fully may take many years of practice. To complete the course – and all its assignments – you need to have access to Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign). You can use Adobe's free demo to start with. You should also have access to pens and paper that you love so you can sketch your own ideas away from a computer.
- 10 video-recorded classes and assignments
- Language: English
- 30 hours (estimated) to complete the course and all assignments
- Self-paced; study and practice at your speed
- Quizzes to verify your progress throughout the course
- Course certificate upon completion
- On-Demand, start whenever you want
- Software license not included
- Feedback on assignments not included
- Credit card payment and instant enrollment
- Price incl. VAT: 5000 SEK
- Price excl. VAT: 4000 SEK
This course offers you basic software knowledge and it prepares you for a series of design courses at a higher level at Berghs School of Communication. Below is a list of possible courses to progress with - depending on your level of experience - and some fee reductions to help you do so.
FULL-TIME international courses taught in English
- Berghs Bachelor (all of the design paths within the course) / Full time
- Advanced Advertising - portfolio course (all specializations) / Full time
- Advanced Design - portfolio course (all specializations) / Full Time
Apply after completing Design Basics, improve your chances to enroll and get your tuition fee reduced by 1000 SEK*
FULL-TIME studies (YH) taught in Swedish
Apply after completing Design Basics and improve your chances to pass the selection. No fee reduction applies.
Apply to one of the above after completing Design Basics and get your fee reduced by 1000 SEK*
- Grafisk Design / evening course
- Grafisk Design / online
- Content Design / online
- Art Direction / evening course
- Art Direction / online
- Illustration / online
- Social Video / online
Apply after completing this software course (provided that you have the necessary experience) and get your fee reduced by 1000 SEK*
*Terms and Conditions
The discount can be claimed only after you have completed your automated software course and it applies only to the course you are progressing onto. Check out the terms and conditions here.
You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.
If you are based in the UK
Please read our terms and conditions carefully; VAT regulations might affect your purchase.
Online self-paced
Sign up any time
5000 SEK incl VAT
4000 SEK excl VAT
* By clicking here you'll be directed to payment and then to Canvas, where you can start the course. Before continuing, please read our terms and conditions.
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