
Content Design and UX Writing

  • Writing for the user
  • Research and data
  • Microcopy, prototypes and tests

Learn how to design with words, by creating UX copy for websites and apps. This course is designed to give you the knowledge, practical skills, and confidence to understand and apply the principles of successful UX content, from user flows and usability testing to error messages and button copy.

31 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
38 750 SEK (incl. VAT)
Apply before
Wednesday 12 February 2025
Tuesday 4 March 2025
Tuesday 20 May 2025

See more info about times and dates

Content design and UX writing are often interchangeable titles these days. This intensive online course offers an introduction to the craft of content design and UX writing, including the processes behind it, research, collaboration and iteration. Over 12 weeks, online, you’ll learn how content design fits into the design process and how to work with other stakeholders in product and design teams. This is a hands-on course with lots of practical tasks to apply these new skills

Week 1: What is a content designer / UX writer? An overview of what the role involves and what it doesn’t. Principles of UX content, how they fit with voice, tone and style, followed by an interactive content crit.

Week 2: Discovery phase and user needs. Writing for the user, learning from your users. User needs vs business needs and how to balance them.

Week 3: Digital products and interfaces. How to use Figma as a content designer / UX writer. Patterns, components, design systems and lo-fi sketching of wireframes.

Week 4: Can they do the thing? Usability testing and user research methods for finding out if your content works, and how to fix it when it doesn’t.

Week 5: Information architecture. Learn the principles of information architecture, organizing, and structuring content in a service.

Week 6: Structure – looking at the big picture. User flows, user journeys and content reviews. Also, a mid-course review of everything covered so far.

Week 7: Inclusion and accessibility. How to design for everyone.

Week 8: Microcopy. Best practice and top tips for writing error messages, modal windows, button copy, forms, and everything in between.

Week 9: AI and content. How AI can help you create content for your users.

Week 10: Localization. Best practices and tips for writing content that will be localized. An introduction to localization tools and methods.

Week 11: Final projects. Presentation of portfolio projects, discussion and feedback.

Week 12: Working with others and getting a job. How to show the value of content design, plus practical considerations when working with Product Designers, Product Managers, developers, engineers, stakeholders and our friends in Brand & Marketing. Getting a job as a content designer.

You have 3+ years of professional experience in copywriting, journalism, social media, or a combination of these. Also product designers, product managers or anyone on the product team that works with words and wants to get better at writing UX copy and understanding content design principles.

You’re either the person responsible for the words in your products and you want to formalize your skills, you’d like to expand your range as a writer for digital, or you’d like to transition into the growing field of content design and UX writing. The course and assignments will be in English, but you’ll get a set of in-demand content design skills that enable you to work in languages across a range of markets.

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  • The principles of writing for user experience
  • Basic user research and interview techniques
  • Creating and implementing voice, tone, and style to create consistency across products
  • How UX writing fits into product design processes
  • Working with design tools like Figma
  • Crafting microcopy, like error messages and button copy
  • Collaborating with other writers, designers and stakeholders

Kreativitet & design
31 000 SEK (excl. VAT)
38 750 SEK (incl. VAT)
Apply before
Wednesday 12 February 2025
Tuesday 4 March 2025
Tuesday 20 May 2025
12 hours
Self study
10 hours per week
Course Dates

The course starts on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 18:00 CET via Zoom. Subsequent lectures to take place weekly on Tuesdays at 18:00 CET via Zoom.

Course fee

Fee excl. VAT
31 000 SEK

Fee incl. VAT
38 750 SEK

Local VAT may apply, read more . The currency converter offers an estimate. Final amounts may differ.


You'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

How to enrol
By clicking on “REGISTER” on this page, you take your first step towards enrolling in the course. There are no financial obligations at this stage. You will then receive an offer of enrolment and be asked to provide your invoice details. Before the course starts, you will be asked a few questions about your experience.

Course Director

Anna Söderbom

Localisation & UX writing coach, with several years of experience working with content at Swedish tech companies.

Questions about the course?

Contact us if you have any questions!

International Coordinator

Contact us with your questions!